5 Health Advantages of Standing Desks

If you are like many people, you spend the majority of your life at work, and it’s likely that you occupy most of your time sitting at a desk for eight or more hours per day. Even regular exercise doesn’t offset the dangers of a sedentary 40-hour work week. Perhaps you’ve read recent studies that sitting for long periods of time, day to day, could be bad for your health, putting you at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers—even early death. If so, you may want to consider standing for longer periods of time at work. The most practical way to get started is frequently alternating between sitting and standing while you work. Here are five health benefits of stand up desks that can help you get on the path to work wellness.

1. DECREASE IN WEIGHT GAIN: An inactive lifestyle can lead to excess weight gain, which causes a number of health complications that can result in premature death. Sitting engages fewer muscles and requires less energy, meaning fewer calories are burned. Standing uses more energy to employ muscles in the back, shoulders, gluteus, and legs, which burns more calories. According to one study that monitored a group of volunteers, standing caused the volunteers to have a much higher heart rate (around 10 beats per minute higher), which adds up to burning about 50 calories more per hour versus sitting. Over a year, that adds up to about 30,000 more calories or 8 pounds of fat. Switching to a stand up desk at work reduces the time spent sitting, which encourages calorie burn and helps prevent weight gain.

2. PREVENTION OF DISEASE: A number of studies have linked a sedentary lifestyle with a higher risk of developing diseases related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and some types of cancer. In one study, physiologists analyzing obesity, heart disease, and diabetes found that sitting shuts off the circulation of the fat-splitting enzyme called lipase. Standing increases lipase, helping the body process fat and cholesterol. Implementing tools such as an adjustable-height stand up desk may discourage the development of obesity-related diseases.

3. INCREASED ENERGY: Paradoxically, the more time you spend standing during the day, the more energy you have at the end of work for physical activity, such as running, cycling, weight lifting, and more. On the other hand, sitting all day can deplete your energy, leaving you too tired to do anything but go home and sit on the couch. The key is not to simply stand up all day—it’s the movement between sitting and standing that makes the difference. Alternating between sitting and standing speeds up metabolism, which burns more calories even when you are sitting. Moving from a sit down workstation to a stand up workstation throughout your work day can energize you.

4. LESS PAIN: According to one study, back and neck pain affects eight out of 10 people at some point in their lives, and sitting for long periods of time does not help. When sitting, the lower back props up the weight of the top half of the body, and the force of your upper body settles into your lower back in the lumbar region of the spine. You can help relieve stress on your spine and reduce the risk of spinal shrinkage by decreasing the time you spend sitting at a desk. It’s important to at least cut your sitting time in half by switching to a stand up desk. Alternating positions relieves strain on individual body parts and relaxes the neck, shoulders, and back.

5. INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY: This may not sound like a health benefit, until you consider the factors that lead to an increase in productivity, such as stress reduction, better focus, and greater alertness. Standing makes it easier to release restless energy, and combined with good circulation, stable blood sugar, and an active metabolism, it is easier to concentrate on the task at hand.

To do your best at work, it helps to be healthy. When you consider purchasing a stand up workstation, make sure it’s adjustable and try to spend equal amounts of time at your stand up and sit down workstations.

Are you ready to convert to a stand up office space? Let Stand Up Desk Store help you create the workspace that fits your needs. Shop now for adjustable ergonomic stand up desks. For more information, contact us today!