5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness at Work

Today’s fast-paced work environments require highly developed multitasking skills, the ability to meet tight deadlines, and heaps of critical thinking.  Needless to say, these types of environments put a fair amount of stress on employees.  Unfortunately, when our emotions take over, we’re less able to make reasoned, rational decisions. In addition, our productivity takes a big hit.

To combat this, many business leaders have been practicing mindfulness in the workplace. The definition of mindfulness is (according to Google) “…a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”

Mindful Magazine adds that “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

They add that when practicing mindfulness “…the mind is fully attending to what’s happening, to what you’re doing, to the space you’re moving through. That might seem trivial, except for the annoying fact that we so often veer from the matter at hand. Our mind takes flight, we lose touch with our body, and pretty soon we’re engrossed in obsessive thoughts about something that just happened or fretting about the future. And that makes us anxious.”

So, by mentally taking a step back, acknowledging yet detaching from our emotions, and assessing the present for what it is, we are better able to make decisions and get our productivity on track.

But how do you achieve mindfulness at work? What are some mindfulness exercises you can try? Read on for our top tips:

Top 5 Ways to Achieve Mindfulness in the Workplace

1. Breathe

You don’t have to be a Zen master on a remote mountaintop to find a more mindful state. The simple act of slowly and deliberately taking deep breaths is scientifically proven to relax your brain and make you feel more calm.

If you’re feeling anxious, a good technique might be to stop what you are doing, slowly take in a deep breath, pause for a moment, slowly exhale, pause for a moment, then repeat five more times. The entire exercise should take about one minute.

If you want to be more high tech about it, many fitness watches offer a breathing app to guide you through breathing exercises.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation may sound like an involved process requiring lots of candles and other props. But like breathing, it can be easily done at your desk.

As with fitness activities such as running or weight lifting, meditation is something you have to work at to improve. In other words, a master can meditate for hours while a beginner might only muster a few minutes. But even if you just meditate for short periods, the benefits can be very noticeable.

According to Gaiam, who offer yoga products and apps, anyone can practice a technique called “mindfulness meditation.” This is the act of sitting quietly and observing wandering thoughts as they drift through the mind.

According to Gaiam, “Through mindfulness meditation, you can see how your thoughts and feelings tend to move in particular patterns. Over time, you can become more aware of the human tendency to quickly judge an experience as good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant. With practice, an inner balance develops.”

3. Choose a Mantra

The word mantra comes from ancient traditions and spiritual practices. However, its principles can be used to help you achieve mindfulness in the workplace.

How? At the beginning of the day, assess your goals and objectives. Determine what fits within these goals and objectives and what doesn’t. Then come up with a mantra to help keep you on track.

There aren’t really any rules. But examples could be things like “I will bring harmony to this office,” “I won’t indulge in drama,” “I will stay on task,” “I am a strong leader,” or whatever else may help you stay focused on what is important while casting aside distractions.

4. Take Advantage of Your Workplace Wellness Amenities

If your office has a Wednesday yoga class, or a masseuse that comes in twice each week, or a walking path through a wooded area behind the building, resist the urge to stay glued to your computer screen and use them.

Periodically taking a break gives you the chance to practice mindfulness, take stock of what is going on in your day, and regain focus.

5. Use a Standing Desk

Psychology Today wrote about a study conducted by Dr. Megan Teychenne, a lecturer in physical activity and health at Deakin University’s Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research in Australia.

In the article, they quoted Dr. Teychenne as saying, “The findings of our review showed that spending long periods of the day sitting was linked to an increased risk of anxiety.”

Naturally, anxiety is the enemy of mindfulness. So why needlessly put yourself at a deficit?

Thankfully, when you move, endorphins are sent to your brain. This helps increase your innovation, creativity, and ultimately productivity. In addition, studies have shown that standing at work helps minimize fatigue, depression, and tension, as well as increase focus, energy, and overall happiness.

Standing Desks: An Integral Part of Increasing Mindfulness at Work
Many agree that standing desks can help improve cardiovascular health and boost calorie burn, both of which potentially increase productivity, collaboration, and engagement.

In addition, many users report an increase in focus, which certainly can aid in achieving mindfulness in the workplace.

For these and other reasons, a standing desk converter or an adjustable height desk should be seriously considered as an effective and important part of your personal health and wellness program. You can also add ergonomic desk accessories such as a floor mat and active sitting chair to increase healthy movement, maximize comfort, and reduce fatigue throughout your workday.

We hope you found these mindfulness exercises helpful!